Ari Gilder, 2-406!


Homework #9



  1. After the final defeat of Napolean, the Europeans attempted to restore peace and order, and subdue the Revolution. They achieved this through the Congress of Vienna, which was a conference of many leaders and important figures of the European countries.
  2. (see next page for graphic organizer)
  3. Define:
    1. Reaction: A period of time in which leaders and people in power wished to return conditions to an earlier period.
    2. Reactionaries: Extremists who not only oppose change, but wish to turn the clock back to an earlier period of time.
  4. The Quadruple Alliance was formed in order to maintain the peace that Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia had created at such great pains, and to insure that France carries out its terms of the peace treaty. The Concert of Europe is what the Quadruple Alliance later became. The Concert was a form of international government, responsible for maintaining peace and the balance of power established at Vienna.
  5. Prince Metternich wished to abolish completely any ideas of revolution and of liberalism. Liberalism was a movement which supported the rights of man and freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. He aimed to preserve absolutism, and achieved this through a secret police system in Austria. Any liberals that were caught were imprisoned, fined, or exiled.