I Hope You Remember Me
To all of Yeshivah of Flatbush HS Seniors 2000
As the year continues and comes to an end
I wonder what ever shall next year be.
Shall our friendship break and bend?
I'm afraid they will forget about me.
Though for only one year we know each other,
To me, it feels like I've known them longer.
I hope we will not forget one another
And also may our bond become stronger.
It is inevitable for them to depart
And yet I hope they never do.
For what I hope for, deep down in my heart
They will remember the Ari Gilder they knew.
It pains me so much to see them go;
We've shared so much this past year.
But in the end, I hope they know
That in my heart, they are always near.
Ari Gilder
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